


16 May 2024


ESGE2024, held in Berlin from April 25th to 27th, was a bustling hub of scientific insights and advancements. Here's a glimpse into JINSHAN's presence at this prestigious event.


As a regular participant at ESGE conferences, we recognize the invaluable opportunity it provided to connect with medical professionals and share insights into our innovative solutions.


This year, at Booth 42, our products, especially our OMOM Capsule Endoscopy platform, featuring the OMOM High-Definition Small Bowel Capsule Endoscope, OMOM Colon Capsule Endoscope, and, the fully automated robotic capsule endoscopy system attracted a diverse array of medical professionals throughout the conference.


Renowned for their industry-leading hardware, and its cutting-edge AI-assisted reading software, those systems significantly improve diagnostic outcomes for gastrointestinal conditions and reduces the workload for physicians. In fact, the VUE Smart software achieved a remarkable 10.7% higher sensitivity and an 89.3% reduction in reading time compared to conventional reading methods. (Study available: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2794207)


A particular highlight at our booth was the live demonstrations of the fully automated magnetic-controlled robotic capsule endoscopy examination. Visitors were marveled by the efficiency and potential impact of this innovative approaches for gastroscopy.


Each examination was completed within an average of 12 minutes, without requiring human intervention to control capsule movement. Our robotic technology and proprietary control algorithms enable the magnet unit to autonomously navigate the capsule, providing a comprehensive stomach examination in AUTO mode. Real-time gastric images with ultra-clear 512*512 resolution were displayed on the control console unit screen, showcasing the efficiency and outstanding examination results of this fully automated procedure. (Study available: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langas/article/PIIS2468-1253(21)00274-0/fulltext)



Additionally, we also presented our reflux monitoring devices and the newly launched HRM device, along with endoscopic irrigation pumps and Co2 Insufflator.


Committed to providing training opportunities for endoscopists and end-users, our journey at ESGE was also enriched by a specialized hands-on course on OMOM Capsule Endoscopy held the day before the conference. With over 300 participants both online and offline, this hybrid course offered a deep dive into the nuances of capsule endoscopy, from software configurations to real-world case studies. The comprehensive and practical nature of our training received accolades from attendees.



Looking back on our experience at ESGE 2024, we are energized by the connections made, knowledge shared, and innovations presented.


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